
Friday, May 25, 2018

Hortatory Exposition About DISCIPLINE

Discipline is a condition that is created and formed through the process of a series of behaviors that show the values of obedience, loyalty, and order. Discipline will make a person know and be able to distinguish what things should be done , which must be done, which can be done, and which shouldn’t be done.
Discipline of time. We will feel more relteved when discipline of time. For example. Coming on time to school or not exceeding the time specified. If we are late to school then it will be a problem.
Discipline in appearance. As a student we should obey the rules. Such as dressing and looking like a student.
Discipline in ethics. For example in ethics talking with teachers, or with friends and older ones. Speak the language with good decency.
Discipline in learning. Such as when studying, students should not use mobile phones while studying, used only when dealing with lessons.
Based on the argument above, students only need to improve discipline and provide an understanding for discipline.

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